Anno 1685

A magnificent program with music of two of the most great baroque composers !

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Date & Time 26 / 02 / 2014

Location Grande Salle (Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles)
rue de la Régence 30
1000 Bruxelles Belgium

In category No Categorías

Ishango Chamber Choir & The New Baroque Times
Thierry Lequenne, conductor



Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Komm Jesu Komm

Jesu Meine Freude

Cantata Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh aalzeit BWV 111


Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)


As Pants the hart, Chandos anthem N° 6a

Let God Arise, Chandos anthem N°11


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The New Baroque Times Belgium asbl. Rue Philippe de Champagne 5C. 1000 Brussels. Belgium. BCE 0708899556